Protected: D6.1 – Update November 2017 – Work plan – Details of the scheduled activities and procedure of target groups for “Large-scale Pilots”

Protected: D6.1 – Update November 2017 – Work plan – Details of the scheduled activities and procedure of target groups for “Large-scale Pilots”

The document has been updated to take into account the comments from the experts who performed the Mid-Term Project Review. In particular, the Workplan (Chapter 4) has been fully reformulated to indicate how user evaluation data and information will be systematically gathered across all NEWTON pilots. It also specifies how the analysis of the pilot outcomes will be used to inform “emerging and ongoing TEL designs” . Emphasis has been put on how the project plans to “guarantee reliable and transferable results”, by proposing a global standardized framework for all pilots, and alternative data gathering approaches (including a greater focus on qualitative/ethnographic approaches) to complement the foreseen questionnaires and survey methods.