2nd NEWTON Consortium meeting Bratislava, Slovakia

September 2016, Bratislava, Slovakia: The second Newton consortium meeting was hosted by Slovak University of Technology Bratislava in the beautiful capital of Slovakia.  All consortium partners were represented in the meeting (Dublin City University, San Pablo – CEU University Madrid, National College of Ireland, Brunel University, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, University of Bucharest, White Loop Limited, Beyond, QUI! Group, ATOS IT Solutions, Adaptemy, SIVECO Romania S.A., KYBERTEC and ATOS Research and Innovation), and fruitful discussions were plentiful.

After first catching up on progress in the first six months of Newton project, presented by each of the partners, discussions carried on focussing on enhancing co-operations between the partners, building the Newton platform and other technological aspects of the project, including best ways to incorporate gamification aspects to science education. Further presentations included the realities and difficulties faced by disabled students in European secondary schools, and discussions on the most efficient methods to improve the learning experience of these students.